Thursday, March 6, 2014

Washington National Insurance Co

Description: Beginning in 1911 as a part of the Western Life Group, Washington National Insurance offers a variety of policies to provide for individuals and their families. Policies of the company extend beyond life insurance to include supplemental health, supplemental prescription, critical illness and cancer, as well as accidental loss of life. The company is led by Chief Executive Officer, Tony Zehnder.


Phone Numbers: (312) 396-7086
People: Tony Zehnder
History: Founded in 1923
Ticker Loc: 11815 North Penn


Standard and Poors Rating - Issuer Credit Rating
RatingsRating DateRegulatory IdentifiersLong TermShort TermLast Credit Rating Action
BB+4-Aug-2011EELocal Long Term04-Aug-2011
Outlook STABLE
Financial Strength Rating
RatingsRating DateRegulatory IdentifiersLong TermShort TermLast Credit Rating Action
BB+4-Aug-2011EELocal Long Term04-Aug-2011
Outlook STABLE