Thursday, March 6, 2014

Variable Annuity Life Insurance Co

Description: Founded in 1955, the Variable Annuity Life Insurance Co provides retirement plans specifically for educators and for those who work in the medical field. The group is a subsidiary of their parent company, AIG American General. In addition to providing life insurance policies, the company provides financial advisorship for proper retirement investing. The group is headed by Bruce Abrams.


Phone Numbers: 1-888-478-7020¾
People: Mr. Bruce Abrams
History: Founded in 1955
Ticker Loc: 2929 Allen Parkw


Standard and Poors Rating - Issuer Credit Rating
RatingsRating DateRegulatory IdentifiersLong TermShort TermLast Credit Rating Action
A+15-Sep-2008EELocal Long Term28-Feb-2011
Outlook STABLE
Financial Strength Rating
RatingsRating DateRegulatory IdentifiersLong TermShort TermLast Credit Rating Action
A+15-Sep-2008EELocal Long Term28-Feb-2011
Outlook STABLE